let's bring in chuck nash, retired navy captain 1k3 military analyst for some closing thoughts.ho ever decides to take action if they take action, has to be mindful of the consequences. you heard john kerry say yesterday, what are the consequences of not acting. what are the consequences of acting here? i mean, there could be retaliation. not just syria against american interests and israel, but hezbollah and iran as well. >> it is like in football when you throw a pass. three things can happen and two are bad. the unintended consequences of taking action in this hornet's nest is immeasurable. we will have to rack and stack the potentials and plan for those and anticipate those and for once get ahead of national security issues in assisted of reacting to them. one thing to keep in mind, the president said in the rose garden this afternoon, a lot of use of the vertical pronoun, i. i believe, i believe, i -- he is all about the -- he believes this is the right thing to do, to take that action as commander-in-chief. if he does go to the congress like he says he is going to do and t