when at that time coach chuck noel of the pittsburgh steelers challenged us when we said we couldn'tlayer go back because of concussion. he said why? and i said, because guidelines say that you should stay out of football for at least a few days or a week or so depending on the severity. he said i want objective data. that's when mark lovell, a neuropsychologist and i, came up with a concept of a neurocognitive test. a pen and pencil and subsequently computer-based test on impact that allows an individual to have a baseline and then subsequently evaluated. this wasn't until the 90s that this occurred. we've now baselined over 4.5 million kids at all levels of sports, including the nfl and nhl and major league baseball. so there's a major cultural shift. >> i'm glad you bring up kids. because you saw the clinic they were having at arrowhead stadium there in kansas city. do you think it's safe for kids to play football? >> i think it's never been safer for kids to play football. let me just read you a quote from the white house conference. it said "unless the brutality and danger to th