while dressed as chuck norris.ttendance as the race began at the george bush presidential library texas a&m. the kick-start for kids that teaches mixed martial arts to children in the chuck norris tradition and raise money for the mercy project in an effort to fight. and they got the high five, real chuck norris. >> jesse: not yet '79, close. thanks a lot. you want to see me and also people have a chance to do it. i get to talk history on these days, july 20th, august 10th, august 11th, over in orlando, north carolina. and, fox nation, streaming and we took my series what made america great. i hope you see that and also "snl," adam sandler came back the first time in over 20 years and created a lot of his friends. this guy is known for loyalty as well as being funny. i did not know he was fired but chris rock walks out, how loyal he is to dan patrick, rob snyd snyder, kevin james, and then i was reminded he has a big heart when he actually singled out a certain outstanding "snl" character. let's listen to his song