chuck vinch is the managing ed iter of the military news times service and helped oversee every poll since they started in 2005. chuck, welcome to the show. >> thank you very much. >> what's the mood of the force this year, what are the top issue? >> well, 2011 was quite gloomy in a lot of respects, personally in the personal satisfaction indicators we track from year to year. most of those indicators have edged upward this year which is good news. the biggest jump we've seen was in personal finances, troops' concerns about their personal financial situation, the percentage of those who said they were very or somewhat worried about their finances dropped a full nine points this year to 42%, and in the context of this poll, movement in the satisfaction indicators, what we call them, usually one, two, three points, so it dropped a swing either way, either a drop or increase of nine points is significant. so that's good news that the troops are feeling a little better about their personal financial situations. some of the other satisfaction indicators are also up a few points, satisfacti