i want to start with you, chuck wexler. someone who has studied the police, has seen time and again police found not guilty in cases like this, cases where someone died. how are you reacting right now? >> well, you know, this case was a defining moment for policing. this was so egregious, the use of force here was so clear and so clear-cut, that, for the last 11 months, first of all, you know, the condolences go to the floyd family, number one, but for every working cop that saw that video, over and over again, nine minutes, they thought to themselves, what was that cop thinking? and that's taken a toll on the country,eth taken a toll on the minneapolis community, and communities all across the country. i think there's not a police chief, a cop i know of that didn't want this police officer found guilty. i mean, it was so egregious and so bad in so many ways. but i think this is a turning point because i think what you saw in minneapolis in the trial is you saw the police chief, you saw the most senior homicide person, you