royalfamily, carpet rolled out to him by the royal family, visiting westminster abbey, visiting the church hill wallt he wants to see, how he wants to set himself up. —— war room. i'm going to skip over the south china morning post, please forgive me. this is president xi jinping, in moscow. we spoke a little bit on this yesterday, i want to move onto bloomberg which is looking on the millions of britons heading to a poor old age according to the institute of this school studies. quite an influential think tank, what are they saying? millions of families face a catastrophic effects of losing all of their assets to pay for their old age. those people may be my age you're a little younger like you, they are going to struggle because the provisions we took for granted in the postwar settlement will not be there in the government will not be there in the government will not be there to fund out. and the provisions are not there you and your older age, but also trying to provide for your children in many cases. and leaving something behind, i would hope. the bank of mum and dad is kind of squeezed out bo