the world had mixed emotions about such violent retribution as convict editor churers and collaboratorsl with a maximum of publicity and a minimum of due process of law.)m it was the seventh month in power of the cuban revolution. while the people waited for the first free general election in 20 years, as fidel has promiseden, political orientation was carried out, argentine with a butter chilly's angel's face and a scholar of marks. from on security came cuban communist leader claiming that communist as fought as hard as anyone else in the revolution. it was a fiction curiously toleratedly castro. on the night of july 13th provisional president manuel, a liberal judge who denounced bautista and forced into exile for his pains went on national television. there he warned that communism was not concerned with the welfare of the people, that it constitutes a danger for the cuban resolution. among those who listened and watched was the man who brought the president back from exile. four days later he took to the television channels to accuse arudia of treason. he resigned and was put under