accordions, churos, water slides, regular slides, flooring options and where they threw his uncle's bodypplause) but none-- none of those-- none of those has brought him the simple life affirming pleasure of lube. and i get it, i also enjoy watching nondiscent viscous goo being force threw a tube. coy spend hours at the soft serve pump. and un's not just smiling from chin to chin over a single lube ejecter, he's smiling all through the lubricant factory from the lube loading floor to the state of the art lube command deck where the latest nanotechnology and advanced supercomputers are harnessed to insurance that lube go through tube. and this factory is a happy place for kim jung-un for a very personal reason. it represents the completion of his father's kim jung il's vision. because according to state reports un said with deep emotion i feel very sorry for failing it to show him this modern spend did factory even once. this factory is a posthumous one. i mean, that gets you right in the lube pump. he and his father shared a love of slave-made lube. don't we all. and that's the smile fil