in one thousand nine hundred sixty three with the tacit support of the cia kasem was killed in another coup by the bath party who included some old wartime fascists and a young officer saddam hussein. israel was back as an issue. and within weeks jewish passports were taken away. i was lucky i was really lucky. i live. in march to have a modest idea if he said. everything changed in sixty seven when the six day war started. to clear a member coming home from school my mother picked us up. by look at her face. the traffic was stopped by police. convoy with lots of soldiers holding their guns . iran was one of five states fighting his trail in the six day war in june one thousand nine hundred sixty seven and. i remember my brother distinctly say you know this is very bad for us if israelis win then they're going to come back and take their revenge on us and israelis know as well we're all going to as the only way. the israelis won. and the consequences were immediate for the two thousand jews still living in baghdad. people from being post office blocked on the door i opened the door mys