ciaran hinds, welcome to hardtalk. thank you very much. you are a man of belfast, born and raised there, and i think, as ijust mentioned, it's fair to say there is a real creative buzz around belfast and northern ireland today. but when you were a youth there, growing up, was it a place that you felt, as a sort of creative soul that you needed to get out of? it wasn't a place that i felt i needed to get out of. i mean, i did eventually, but there was a reason for that was because my chosen profession turned out to be acting, and there were no theatre schools in ireland at that time. so i left the island for the first time, to go to london, to a theatre school, to train. but when i was growing up, it was different days. i mean, we're talking about the �*50s into the �*60s, and there was a lot we didn't know about the world, and we only learnt about it by going down to the central library, and opening big books, and finding out that way. and in a way, i guess the world, we made our own worlds then, we didn't look out to the world, we made ou