have to go through a lot of as i said, tenderizing steps of which shelter inthe place is the most ciccone and. it is almost like treating a cancer, you try to g the bulk of the ncer, to start with. then you sort of mop up down the line. that is a kind of similar strategy to that. yo forest fires if will, you want to put off the main fire and then deal with the hotspots after that. >> one of the issues is that we are not completely isolated. we are shelteng in place, but in other states across the ar nation, partic in the south, they have been much slower to make those decisions, so still have nodone that. what will the impact be of those decisions in other states, on residence here in california? >> that is absolutely an issue. lyat is absolutely positi the issue. we are going to do all of this work, we will make the sacrifices, we are going to you know, hauled our economy, to try to save 10, 20,000 lives, meanwhile, others are just not making those kinds of sacrifices. and they are going to contin toeyave transmission. will have their own forest fires burning. they will be able to ignite