keen observer of human nature goes -- his reluctance to attend the execution of a black man named cicero, it is derived from the scenes i learned about in scenes i gathered in new york. he doesn't want to go, he needs to be convinced to go. the theory of moral sentiment, to be in sympathy with someone on the gallows, it got to the point that i was sitting in my computer, dennis and wants to write down what cicero, named after the great orator, what he said on the gallows, here is my moment, i can hit that picture, say what he has to say, then i have as a historian and -- there's no evidentiary trail, he would not have been allowed to speak. there's no way that a black man on the gallows in boston in 1764 would have been allowed to speak in public, do anything but the peak a formalized christian confession and make his peace with a minister. i came against the same evidentiary standard as a historian and he is not saying anything, what does he want to say? i can't tell. i should wrap it up. i couldn't hit the picture in either case. i didn't get hit by it which was a small victory. [appla