joseph barrett, the former editor of the cincinnati daily gazzette, and author of an 1860 cam pain biography, produced a work which included with slight modifications an earlier account of lincoln's life with a history of his presidency in the first months of 18964. the philadelphia publishing house of t.d. peterson and others before the national union party assembled in baltimore, written by the philadelphia journalist david braynard williamson, this biography was issue in the both paper and cloth editions. another biography that appeared before lincoln's nomination, was written by orville james victor, the editor and roadwayer for beetle and company's various ventures. the private and public live of abrah abraham lyn lincoln's -- beetle company's dime biographical library, was published as a small paper back which could fit into a reader's pocket. the cover of the volume pictures lincoln as a boy honing his reading skills by the light of a home fire. one can achieve success through determination, hard work and perseverance, although the intended purpose of lincoln's biography was intended