no, no, we didn't give special consideration, of the eight-year-old molester, but because of cinco de mayonk of one. and ap saying for political reasons, but that's the conclusion that everybody is jumping to. but that's because there are no other conclusions. once again, did you hear all of those things i rolled through? to me, you're an illegal immigrant and you're working in the u.s. senator's office, and unpaid intern, sorry, how does that happen. >> megyn: let's start there. senator menendez, i want to make clear, i learned about this guy's status from the ap article, i had no idea that an illegal immigrant with a sex offender history was working in my office and apparently the sex offender happened while he was a juvenile and may have been difficult to discuss. >> disclose. >> megyn: find out, yeah, disclose. the point is they say there's no way to find out whether our interns are in the country legally or illegally because we can't check because they're unpaid. why can't you ask them for a social security number and then run it to see if it's real? >> and right now, there are people