thank you and please vote yes. >> thank you, very much. >> next speaker, please. >> cindy baker, jordan wing, i do an chang, jill hollbrow. >> my name is cindy. i haven't had a car for almost 20 years now and i've done a lot of biking on market street. i was force off-the-record my o. i've witnessed the improvements from the painted white line giving a bike lane to then a painted barrier, green lane, a physical barrier, i mean, biking in those bike lanes is golden. however, as a pedestrian, the sidewalks are super crowded. the auto drivers seem to be in a rush and there's just, you can't put up physical barriers for the pedestrians and we've reached the limits of our engineering for safety and i think the enforcement is lacking but anyway, pedestrians are incredibly vulnerable for failing to yield and crosswalks right turns we need to snip the problem at the root and remove private vehicles from market street. everybody walks. thank you. >> thank you, very much. next speaker, please. >> jordan wing. >> good afternoon mta board. i wrote myself a lengthy message before this. in support th