rob simmelkjaer is host of "sports matters" on nbc the shift, and cindy boren. thank you both for joining us. let me go to you, cindy. what is going to happen? is there any chance they'll take back the super bowl victory? >> that sounds like a lot of somebody who bet on the seahawks to win. no, i don't think so. troy vincent is in charge of the football operations for the league. he'll decide the punishment. you'll notice this isn't roger goodell. this is troy vincent deciding what will happen. he can punish them by suspending brady, by fining him, you know, fining him is not really going to accomplish a lot. >> what does it mean to you? you care about sports. what does it mean -- i mean, anybody who has ever thrown a football knows there is a difference in how much air is in it, how easy it is to throw it. you get it just right, you can throw it good spiral maybe. but you can't if it's too blown up, it's hard. >> tom brady and peyton manning in 2006 created this rule whereby the home team would supply -- each team would supply its own footballs before the home t