detective clear met with cindy karlsen and steve brown.ion when they told him that levi, who never had much money, had taken out an enormous life insurance policy. the most useful piece of information was about a $700,000 plus insurance policy that was paid out on levi karlsen. andrea canning: detective clear learned that on november 3rd, 2008, karl helped levi sign up for the policy. the beneficiary? karl's himself. he actually takes him to see an insurance agent, and takes out approximately a $400,000 life insurance policy with a $300,000 accident rider. 17 days later, the fatal accident happens. andrea canning: the money was supposed to go to levi's two daughters, but detective clear learned the girls never got a dime. there was money spent on a lot-- a whole multitude of things, home improvement. and karl spent a lot of money on the duck business. there were some huge payouts on that. andrea canning: as he dug deeper, detective clear discovered that karl karlsen had collected on a number of insurance policies over the years. in 1986 ka