some redness of the area, and then it may turn white or might get kinda of waxy hard looking" says cindy lewin, nurse practitioner. lewin says babies, the elderly, and anyone with other health concerns are at greater risk. alcohol and dehydration also make you more suseptable. "you want to slowly warm your extremities, so you want to put them in a warm tepid water. you don't want to put it in hot wawar, you don't want to use like a blow dryer ornything. then that will bring the tissue back and you'lll have less chance of having damage to the tissue" says cindy lewin, nurse practitioner. the people who run local homeless shelters take this time of year especially serious. the sioux city gospel mission opens this "day room" when the temperatures are this cold. "with the wind chill factor and things like that, we just kind of keep it open so that individuals can come in, because we don't really want people to be outside in the cold" says dayle webbs, director, men's ministries at gospel missions. in addition to a warm place,e,he gospel mission makes hats, gloves and scarves available to people wh