>> and just like you said, mark, you have the cindy mccain story. and then most shamefully you have the story where "the new york times" destroyed a young woman's life by putting out false allegations that were actually dredged up by an operative in another republican campaign that leaked to them. >> the lobbyist. >> yeah. remember the lobbyist? i won't mention her name. can you imagine being a young woman caught in "the new york times" personal vendetta against john mccain because they wanted to elect barack obama? can you imagine what she's lived through every day for the past four years going to work? trying to work on the hill, going home on weekends to her family, having to call her parents. having to see friends at church. all because "the new york times" wanted to get at john mccain. and you know what? if it were ""the national enquirer"" and they were doing it to both candidates, i wouldn't say a word. i would say fair game. "the post" is "the post," but "the times" is "the times." mika, if you or anybody else out there can show me this type