cindy schild is our guest.ater on, president obama called for stronger laws to protect journalists this week. even as his administration faces criticism for probing journalists records. we'll talk about laws to protect journalists with curt womener. on news makers this week, senator berny sanders, is our guest. he talks about the back log of veterans benefit claims at the v.a. and the efforts to bring the department into the digital age. >> what's important to understand is that for whatever reason, and i don't want to cast apersians, the v.a. was maybe one of the very few major institutions in american society that did not go from paper to digital. they didn't do that. until they became secretary. so the first question we have to ask is why? every corporation obviously made the transition. so he comes into office and what ends up happening is there is a huge influx of new claims. now, what many people don't understand is that yes, the back ablely long. pt we are all embarrassed that they're waiting to get thei