[inaudible] >> -- for the last six days and nights because our friend josh cinelli and his wife, hannah, became parents the day before thanksgiving and we joined in their joy and welcoming azriel child cinelli, who was born last wednesday. so is a wonderful thanksgiving there. and josh reports the answer is sleeping well and eating well and then josh and hannah spend most of their time just deliriously staring at this wonderful little boy that they have created. so we are very happy for him. >> i don't have an announcement, but thank you for the second. i have an opportunity to attend a global symposium for regulation map on the go. the only regret i have is that that prevented me from attending nehru. and i say that, but i'm not sure of my colleagues miss me because my colleague, commissioner copps did such a wonderful job with cherry and a joint boards and conferences. i want to publicly thank you for that. i heard you and at the meeting on time. it's going to be difficult for me to return as they're going to have that expectation they will get it. so seriously, i want to thank you fo