they gave it an f cinemascore, which is very rare for a service company. but the weinstein co., for some reason, they kind of dumped this movie after cannes. they didn't put a lot of publicity into it, they kind of knew it wasn't an awards film. so they kind of just threw it out there, and obviously the box office reflected that. > "killing them softly" is doing just that. > > that's right. > i want to ask you about this: i feel like it is a little early to talk about oscar contenders, but i made it to a lot of these movies so far, i have to say: "argo", "lincoln." i now saw "silver linings." it is terrific. i loved "flight." i thought "arbitrage" was very good. what do the winners look like for you? > > i think there are probably three films right now that if you are looking for best picture contenders, i think the three films right now are "argo", "lincoln," and "les miserables," which is coming out in december. all those three films i think are going to be competing for the top. i think "lincoln" has the edge right now. but you are going to see a lot of