. - [kristen] 2008 ushered in the end of the bush dynasty, brought glittery vampires to the cineplexe's "the carter iii." all of these things should have been the standout memories from this year, but lady luck, or lack thereof, had something else planned for our generation. (dramatic music) - [reporter] even after the aig bailout, the dow tumbled another 450 points. - you have job loss, you have wage stagnation, rising cost of living, all of these things happen and millennials feel like the rug was pulled out from underneath them. - so all of the sudden this idea that we were going to go to college, get our degree, get a good job, and be able to pay back those loans and do all of these other things that was being asked of us, get married, have kids, buy a house, "adulting," became really cost-prohibitive. and then we were mocked mercilessly for that being the case or for returning to our parents' home because financially that's all that we could afford. (dramatic music) - [reporter] the occupy wall street protests are gaining ground as the movement enters its third week. - occupy wa