. -- cinna bun twice. but i say why top there. why not replace the pilot and copilots with captain morgan and captain crunch. part of a complete breakfast. (laughter) and folks, when the cabin loses pressure, just drop an ad for the oxygen network. remember, market to yourself first before marketing to your children. (laughter) and why limit the nonstop ads to planes. isn't it time that tsa agents used the hamburger helper hand to conduct cavity searches? relax, it's only three fingers. and he's so happy about it. we'll be right back. (cheers and applause) >> welcome back, everybody, thank you very much. nation, with the war in afghanistan stretching into its 11th year, it can be easy to forget to thank the people working so hard to protect our country. i'm talking, of course, about bill o'reilly. for years papa bear has been supporting our troops by sending them what they most desperately need on the battlefield, his book. (laughter) >> jim. >> we've begun our books for the troops program, if you buy a copy, my publisher harper c