and then rishon letzion-- you met golan cipel. yes.veling throughout israel, and this young person is sitting across from me, and he begins to dissect my campaign. he knows your race. he knows the race as well as i do with arguably better insights. and he's good-looking and he's articulate. was it an instant attraction? yeah. tapper: and then he joined you when you-- mcgreevey: well, he-- he corresponded during the course of the campaign. this is not an intellectual decision. this is not a head decision. this is a heart decision. -but he-- -meanwhile, you married dina... -yeah. 2000. you're running for governor in 2001. yep. all this time, golan is making outreach to you. well, yeah, and i think he also saw this as an opportunity, an opportunity to get involved in politics. so how cognizant were you that bringing golan cipel from israel to new jersey to be on your staff was...setting yourself up for what happened? that's a great question. i-i-i sincerely don't know the answer to that. -you don't know. -i don't know the answer. ♪