the interview, the columnist or to point fingers and say we saw over your doing this vicious and say circe arnold everywhere. in this case, arnold was having dinner at a close friend and plunder the house after dinner and set it afire. your town, diane depew, who is a national public service veteran contributed the essay for the yorktown campaign and in may we learn a celebrity intervention, but the commander who is delayed in sending reinforcements to cornwallis at yorktown partially was due to the fact that clanton was entertaining a celebrity in new york. that celebrity, king george the third son, prince william henry. diane also comments on a bit of irony. october 9th team, day of the surrender, the day that greece and clinton sailed from new york to yorktown to provide the reinforcements. it just so happened that canada is commanded by cornwallis' younger brother. which then brings me to the last bucket of discovery. so what i would call paper and preservation discoveries. prior to 1870, before transition to what pope, newspapers are printed on rockland stock, paper made primarily off