, academia, and the music industry, and america's fastest-growing brand of entertainers, cirque du soleil acrobats. who are these people that call themselves liberals? and how to such a tiny group leave such a big impact on our culture and lives? what motivates them? well, i am in an excellent position to answer these deep questions. because i have been watching liberals closely for over 30 years. i have studied liberals like jane goodall studies are gems. [laughter] in their natural habitats and without judgment. i have broke bread with them, have teased them, and yes, i have even blogged some of them because some of my best friends are liberal and some are even members of my own family. my commitment to understanding liberals sometimes worry that my dear conservative friends. some even question my mental health. but i read in the new yorker magazine, i went to see the regina monologues, i have listened to npr whenever i got the chance. i learned everything that i could just by tuning into all things considered. [laughter] and even watched my carbon footprint. as much as a guy in a well cooled ho