so close to the -- to why the citia is set. the building proposed design, we have now added a -- a -- a two-sided inflatted wall. a two-sided inflated creel to reduce noise as well as a double laminated glazing for the windows facing in that direction. and always have -- also have sound ash soshing treatments on the interior of the -- absorbing on the interior of the space, to reduce the noise in the space. once the project is built, there will be a sound limiter in the surround system this any user would plug into. that would be set and cal operated upon installation. with all of these accuse tall installation devices implemented, our estimate of the worst kiss, we calculated that the noise level at the property line would be 55 to 60 decibel range which meets the criteria and is less than the existing ambient controlled by maximum noise levels from traffic passing by. the goal of the project was first and foremost meet the ordinance as well as not increase the existing noise level. we feel we have -- with the proposed design