this partnership means a great deal not only to myself and the citizenoffs san francisco but to ourination. partnerships are stested by marriage not in the good times but the tuff time and the last year is a tough time both for rec and park and the grouv as well. arve we had a quarter million dollar of vandalism inflicted on the grove. we came together and continued to work and look at the future and how we continue to take the foundation of that relationship. what it does is highlight a couple things called out in the plan and hope the commission will look at. first and formost we have the crown jewel of park systems in the country, but if we don't create a space in which the visitors and tor rks ist can am and be assure td is safe and secure, they are not worth having. i can personally say i feel the investment in our park patrol and park ranger system is inadequately fundsed. we have billions of dollars of infruc structureture unprotected so i hope you'll look seriously at that. i avail myself to work with phil and other park partners to replicate what it means for the sit zin tooz get