in cup number one, 3/4 cup of water, one starch pellet and sodium and citric acid. cup number two, sodium base. you're going to mix all this stuff together. >> oew. >> it turns back. >> watch what happens when a little more chemical is added to the water. >> what the heck? >> that is to cool. >> that's like oxyclean. >> watch what happens it. >> goes back. >> watch this as they try the experiment while pouring. >> this is really cool. >> that's gnarly. that is so cool. >> you think somebody just figured this out when mixing stuff together or did somebody know that, oh, if i do this and i did that, that. >> i'm pretty sure a lot of early scientists burned off their eyebrows doing a lot of these experiments not knowing what would happen. >>> another day in russia. that guy is not like yell for his buddy to save him a plate of borsh. he's yelling because -- >> oh! >> yeah. he was about to jump off this balcony into that big snowdrift. i don't know if -- >> yes. >> that's the way to go down. >> that's true. that's really true. you see, he lands and then, watch, he quick