lemonis: you need something citrusy and something masculine. -sam: okay. was very impressed that sam put the research into it and had a focus group, and i like the fact that she was open to sort of dialoguing about it. on the other hand, mark is still arguing with me. so is that it, right there? mark: okay, so this is where it starts from. -lemonis: take it down. -mark: but -- lemonis: take the color grade down. sam: i love that. mark: did you think about this for a while? lemonis: when i saw it. -mark: really? -sam: wow. lemonis: you guys, by the way, the name of the company isn't gonna be wick[ed] anymore because it's too niche-y. mark: all right. wow. lemonis: i'd really like to come up with something that has your last name in it. and so i really like biren & company. i'd like to see that on our order. -mark: yeah. -sam: biren & company? -lemonis: i'm the company. -sam: biren & co. i love it. mark: i like it. yeah. sam: i really, really freaking love that. lemonis: so here's the deal. i want you to finish these designs. mark: all right. lemonis: i feel