bbltimooe.paul gessllr is live at city haall.. whereehundreds of prooters mmrched in today.paul--iih trayvon marrin - streees were filled sidewaakk to- sideealk thiisevening ass pemonstrations continued pollowing saturday's 'not guilty' verdict ii he georgg protests the likes baltimore time. since trayvon maatin was killed last teenagers aveebeennkilled in baltimore city.iicluding one... ollowing the ravens' &pwondering here the ouurage i pomicides lready thissyear.- pressient, naacpp 05.23.00 "we killing othhr affican-american kids. we mmst be as vehimently " florida."antoine chhmbers, baltimore: 00.15.09 "there baltiiore orrnaaionally."ay -3 officers... including commissioner batts kept close todayyseveral local pastors --33 &pplln on goinn to d-c tomorrow against george &pedition.ox44 news late 3pollce meet with residents of prreet.ii was a packed house 3 at he meeting at saint anthony hall long o'donnell street.police say this area... has ssen a big jump ii break-ins duuing the past susseec...ssate'