we didn't have a unit that was looking at a city wide -- looking at things from city wide lens. we reconfigured this unit in october. we staffed it and this staffing we believe, in order to sustain it, and increase it to a level that really needs to be. we're asking for ten additional ftes to sustain this unit. we've seen some tremendous results with this unit in terms of identifying serial burglars. we got example after example including just late as this week, arrest where we have identified and arrested individuals that have gone across the city and the region committing burglaries. this increased investigations on various levels leads to a better response and a really more cohesive ability to address some of our property crime. we understand a the pattern across the different regions are very difficult to string together unless you have a centralized unit. this is the reason that we believe it's value added for our department and city and in order to esustain that, that's part of our staffing request. the next one on your sheet is the serial crimes unit. as it relates to vio