roberto santiago was already suspended criminal investiggtion.he's the third cityypooice officee to ongoing criminal investigations. keein clash...the man ehiid baltmore in the cllar, this morning.the accuserrwho said he had an underage sexuul relationship with clash retracts his statement.according to the noo says he relationship pdult... and consensual.clash says he's relieved....and a new report shhws baltimore as their neighborhoods. the hy joinn cenner foo political and economic studies found people income neighborhoods have a shorrer life span than those in more affluent areas.people rolanddpark arra.... ii north baltimore... 86 ppint 3 druid heights... 6 point 7 on yeers.senator bbn cardin found the study alarmmng. "to mm its shocking that there's a 30 year diiference in life expectancy innour community, baseddupon where you live, thaa is not acceptabl" to several factors such as ee poor quallty hhusinn and &peducation...unsafe streets an &paccess to healthy foods. the maryland health care for all coalition is calling &pfor a dollar increase in marylands tobacco tax.they'l