and the movve was released in 19-90. 3p the cityywill be crrwling with the city will be the city willcrrwling with rabid lacroose fans again this peekend, as m&t bbnn stadium hhsts thee66h annuallkknica- minolta ace-off classic. indication.... theeteams playing his weekend have a lot to lookkforward to this yyar. joelld. smith is at why these gaaes mean so ook much. good morning joel d. 3 3 forget facebook, one college student has a mmchh betttr waa to get to know people in involves swimsuits and a hht tub. senior at ohio unnvvrsity.he installed a hot tub in his dorm room... and relaxed in it for about a montt before residential housing assed him &pto get rid of t last week. they were concerned about smell of the chemicals.but the len-a-han says it's a great way to meet pople... so he's fighting to keep it. a million-dollar lottery winner... who was also collecting welfare... is told she won't get another dime from michiganntaxpayees. taxpayers.24-year old amanda claytonn.. who won a lump sum of 7-hundred thousand dollars befooe taxessin septemmer... was spotted using foood