that a cure reflects fathers, civilianparticipate in protests. like few people with short , but it was civilian unrest. now it's like a military with a different weapons, a military model. i like to cover that story at the time because you can show both sides. the civilians and military together. you see those pictures and its you see inmal people the streets. one hand, the civilian population welcomes you because they respect your craft and want your story to be sense of you have a media fatigue. tell us about that. >> there are two and a half ofrs of conflict and dozens journalists have come in and little has changed on the ground. they sort of question why you are going there. this is unfortunately typical of conflict after a certain amount of time. afghanistan is a good example. people don't really understand why the media is there and they don't see any immediate impact on their lives. you can't say that media will change things. the minimum you can provide to be able to inform in a way that agreements are made and there hasn't been any chan