. >> there's one thing where civiliantion francisco lead to reductions in overall strength of 1971 we're not clear my question is just like there were recivilianizing positions where people worked at desks sending officers back out into the field human resources is there a figure on that. >> when you speak to a reduction in strength the 1971 when it was set that is a 10 hour day that's fourteen percent in staffing and prior to taking on treasure island and our domestic violence unit. so getting the civilians to do what their best at and to do the officers back on the shifts and then adding in the technology that i think will be efficient to keep people in patrol i'm trying to get back to the 21 years ago slot. i'm not just trying to - like how do we make sure theirs 53 officers is that an estimate or - and a if that's an estimate i would have gone with 65 or more. >> for the police departments the controllers office does a audit and they add the certification. >> that's what i was asking about the certification. >> if it's i can add briefly. chef ben rosen field. it was a charter measure