rowelland urban, in between, i don‘t know, young and old, rowell and urban, in terms of which way civvies they seem to be more in favour of a no vote. in terms of a generational divide, yes, a very clear generational split with the majority of voters over the age of 65 wanting to retain the eighth amendment, whereas voters under 35, that would be very much strongly in favour of repeal, particularly in the urban areas as well. for people who don‘t know ireland well, if a woman wants to have an abortion under the current legislation, what does she have to do? so abortion is illegal in ireland, except for specific circumstances, so it means the majority of women who want to seek an abortion have to travel to the uk. so that involves arranging flights, accommodation, getting time off work. it is not something they can freely get information about all speak freely about with friends, collea g u es speak freely about with friends, colleagues and doctors. so it is very much kind of a stigma, quite a taboo experience for lots of women. also, a lot of women may not be able to afford to travel to t