. >> reporter: clair alexander says sharing a small room isn't what she had in mine for her sophomore year. she's one of hundreds aloud back into their apartments thursday despite being forced out after the city deemed them unlivable wednesday afternoon. >> at the time of our inspection, there were 96 units in the building, and they were all approved to be 2-broom units >> reporter: the call from a the units were designed to split the buildings in half against city code. >> this is not what we're paying for, and not what i signed my lease for >> reporter: some quickly caught on. >> it's the classic bait-and-switch. they showed you a product, they were in violatn they're scrambling. >> reporter: alexander is not necessarily out of a flays to live, her roommate situation is up in the air. >> if that's a way to get out, i'm definitely going to. >> reporter: it's unclear if the owners will face any violation for mirroring the unit receive a tax reimbursement for the inconvenience. >>> an update on a story you saw here first. denver is expected to write a check for $600,000 to its former a