and claire danes isn't a witch, but they think he is. >> in late 19th century, claire danes plays a widowdeath of her abusive, and it w, she has a ke interest. and she goes to this part of england where there's been an earthquake and it's unearthed all these fossils. and in this community, they're very god-fearing and faithful. and a teenaged girl has gone missing. and they think this ancient winged serpent has come back to steal your children and haunt your dreams and turns into a kind of a story about faith and, faith and science and where we look at to try to explain our meaning in our lives and, you know. >> jimmy: you personally, as far as unknown phenomenon goes, we just had our hearing about ufos, are people in england laughing at us? >> i think there's probably a community that would be curious about stuff. i personally like to live in the sc skepticism, to live in the question. neither definitely on the side of -- it's just in my imagination. >> jimmy: what about big foot? >> we have the loch ness monster. >> jimmy: do you have a chupacabra? >> what's that? >> jimmy: the chupacab