. >> i should claire nee the projects that qualify for the exemption would still need to go through the process of receiving a certificate of appropriateness so they would still be before the historic reservation commission and would be reviewed, but it does provide the h.p.c. the flexibility to loosen some of the standards to look for alt mat materials that would be -- to look for alternate materials that would be compatible br less costly than perhaps wood windows and allow a fiberglas clad window where they wouldn't formally. commissioner antonini: that is what we understood earlier and reads different than the language here. >> this language on the power int says an exemption from the c. of a. and that is not technically -- >> it is the standards for the c. of a. i apologize. >> we may need another word there. okay. >> the next section we refer to as the stop work clause. in the existing article 10, no application for a permit to construct, alter, or demolish any structure on a landmark site proposed for designation may be approved once that is under consideration. >> the h.p.c. has