i'm claire o'neill and i'm the co—finder of an organisation called a greener festival.stival, it could be that a temporary town, essentially, is being built, if it's a large event, so it does need to be managed quite closely to make sure that it's not having negative impacts on the environment. it also has a real opportunity for being a role model. we have the chance to go away from our normal day—to—day living. if you're out camping, you'll realise that electricity isn't something that's just at the flick of a switch, that the waste that you produce, it's actually materials. you can see the impact of consumption, essentially. there are a lot of really good examples of festivals that are doing great work for the environment. boom festival, in portugal, they have their own site. they've got the opportunity to use the funds that come in from the festival to really regenerate the land and enhance the biodiversity of the land. there is also dgtl festival — spelt dgtl — which is in amsterdam, and they've got great ambition to be the world's first circular festival. we achiev