now we can speak to the victim's commissioner for london, claire waxman.anager michael murphy. the case came to trial more than 30 years later, after a number of victims were identified by the police. "lara" testified in court. he was acquitted of three counts, and there was a hung jury on the remaining 12 counts. in a retrial six months later, he was convicted of all remaining 12 counts, including rape. thank you, both of you for talking to us. "lara", i wonder if you could describe your experience of appearing in court to give evidence? i was terrified, i was completely, com pletely i was terrified, i was completely, completely terrified. i was sick both times before i gave evidence. i couldn't work beforehand, i couldn't work afterwards. i had to take lots of time off of work. i couldn't concentrate, just couldn't think of anything other than the trial. and then, on the day of the trial, the first trial, where the prosecution barrister was lovely, but the defence barrister, shejust com pletely defence barrister, shejust completely broke me. she accused