so this came to clare barton who brought it to the attention of edwin on the secretary of the war.and he established a mission that included clare barton and others to go down to andersonville to see if they could use that list to identify the graves of andersonville. and they in fact did use the list is identified a very large percentage over 12,000 of the dead in an excursion in the summer of 1865 immediately after the war back. so once again, there was a kind of improvised way of turning up a very wide identification of the dead and andersonville. >> doctor faust, a couple more things before we close off the evening. first, i noticed a number of you indicated your harbored identities when you talked. yay all of 67. [laughter] [applause] and this is a one-time offer to all of you out there that would like to ask a question. too late. [laughter] we have a wonderful essay by walt whitman on the death of abraham lincoln in which he says how long since the dark and chirping saturday 15 years be gone by hart has entertained the dream in which to give of abraham lincoln's death his own