claremont mckinnon college is the top ranked school when it comes to freedom of speech. they are followed by the university of chicago, the university of new hampshire, in re university and florida state -- emory university and florida state university. what made claremont mckenna the top ranked school in the entire nation? guest: what students are telling us. there are a few other factors that go in the rankings. i encourage people to go to real clear you can see the data points we used to arrive to the rankings. going down to the university of chicago, they have been famous for their proactive defense of free speech. there is something called the chicago statement, that a number of other universities, many of the universities have signed, which is a declaration of the value and worth of an open forum on campus. those are the leaders that i think other institutions onto be seeking to emulate. i think it is great to point out that there are a couple of public diversities in the -- universities in the top. the majority, if you look at the top 25, the majori