the children of this warrior nation have been cut down by a different foe: alcohol. 22-year-old clarence roland was born and raised on the res and knows what alcohol and addiction do to a family. >> clarence, tell me where we are. >> we are at the grave of one of my aunties, her name is emily joyce roland. >> tell me about her. >> emily was young, 21 years old. she died from the effects of alcoholism. >> at 21? >> at 21. >> how long had she been drinking? >> since about 14, maybe younger. >> emily's sister ashley lies behind her. just 14 she was drunk, walking in the dark when a car driven by other drunken teens struck her. clarence's grandfather is here too. cirrhosis of the liver. his mother jinola was just 31, prescription drugs. at 17 clarence left school to raise his brother and two sisters. >> what kept you getting addicted to alcohol? >> losing my family members. >> one by one? >> finally it opened up my eyes to where i needed to sober up because i was a heavy drinker. >> my mom she was really loving, funny fashion-d passionate. she laughed a lot and really good sense of human, she loved