sheriff clarence strider who, basically, becomes a witness for the defense rather than the prosecution, strangely, in the trial is a very problematic and terrible character in many ways. and as an irony down in mississippi, i should say that this highway, what's the number, 49 down there? passing through webb and so on, it's an honorary emmett till highway for a few miles where it joins to become honorary clarence strider highway. one of those ironies of attempts at public history history and m, and so on. >> what exiewrks after they admitted murdering emmett till, what excuse would the fbi have for not getting them for kidnapping? >> not a federal case. they simply stood behind the notion it was not a federal case. it was -- no one crossed state lines. a very, very strict interpretation which, of course, there were cases where the fbi did stretch those limits but didn't -- hoover and others just didn't want to in this case. thank you. >> anne carlyle, very interesting. i was interested in the importance of the photograph, and i wondered if you could speculate on if this photograph did