this because it is pushing to the east-northeast, you could be seeing the rain ramp up a bit in clarkstown, 11:25, greenburg, 11:38. norwalk 12:10, bridgeport, 12:26. you already had rain, this is not severe, just heavier rainfelt you will hear it on your roof. -- rain. you will hear it on your roof. the bigger picture shows a stagnant pattern. tomorrow, you will get the same sort of day you had today. couple high pressure systems keeping things in place, there will be rain, not a wash out. you wake up in the morning temperatures looking like this, 47 degrees clouds in place, only a slight chance at wet weather into the afternoon. there will be breaks out there but there is a rain chance but primarily in the later pm hours, high temperature, 59 degrees. better of the 2 weekend days. subd sunday like wet weather-- sunday like wet weather at 58. you are looking at a rain chance out there for next week. just say next week a rain chance. >>> after 7 years on cbs, the political drama "the good wife" is coming to an end. >> cast members gathered to celebrate the bitter/sweet ending, winning 5 em