the clary special unit, how many are they doing? >> about 20. >> that's still a lot for 13 people. i can't wait to look at the audits. i want to see what they are. >> we actually have a summary, if it would be helpful, too, of the findings that we put together and a spreadsheet i'm happy to share. >> that would be great. i'd like to see it. >> to the don't's credit, they're the only department enforcing it. they're not specialized. and that is a big part of this problem. we spend all day making laws, making rule, making regulations. it's overwhelming to institutions. then when it comes to survivors, you don't have enforcers who know the details. so on the government's side there could be a better pro; having more people, having more funding, not a big person on giving more money for other than survivors to recover, but if you're going to spend money somewhere, please spend it on enforcement. allow them to have specialized units. >> or at least forced integration. >> and i think that would help institutions, because they are splitting their minds on the issue of sexual assault betwe