happened starting in the 13th century with royals being much more fert fertile than the lower classe seamarks. the enlith tookpeople in new england were having what was called attention deficit disorder and greater control. skwh when a society moves in that direction, that may changing caning change the way -- it fuels a change in the culture. >> yes and i discuss that possibility at length in the book. i end up not embracing or rejecting it mainly because of lack of evidence for one thing. it makes the prediction that english men, regardless of their culture, should be genetically less prone to impulse and violence than people from other garment cultures and races. this isn't a possibility i am eager to test any same soon. but it may be unnecessary. it is early in the investigation of recent biological evolution. but given that some of the developments i discuss occur far too rapidly to be attribable to genetic evolution like the dropping of the crime rate in 1992 or the rights revolution so something happened that wasn't genetic on that ground. so i don't see the need for a hypothesis there